
Lviv, st. Shchyretska, 36


Tu. -Su.: 10:00-19:00
Mn: day off


№22, №23

Bus | Route taxi

№10, №16, №18, №7, №11, №13, №14, №21, №23, № 25, №27, №32, №33, №48, №51, №109, №111, №113, №114, №115, №119, №131, №133, №141, №171, №7Н


For free: 08:00-22:00

The company "Sonsedim" was founded in 2014. We have been specializing in the installation of solar power plants for the private sector and industry for 8 years. During this period, more than 600 solar stations and 50 turnkey solar systems were launched throughout the country. Our client base already has more than 1,000 satisfied solar energy consumers.

Наші послуги: solar batteries, solar panels, solar power plants, inverters, voltage converters, solar systems, batteries, uninterruptible power supply systems

Ще з категорії «Electrical goods»

Бронзові світильники, люстри і бра.

Mon - Sun: 10:00 - 19:00

Address: Торгівельна по вул. Західній 1, № 10 (ТЦ Європа), 1ий поверх

In our store you can buy only original products of the world's leading electrical equipment manufacturers: Hager, ABB, Eaton, Zubr, Terneo, Legrand, Gira, Jung, Schneider, Kopos, Viko, Velmax, Lebron, Kablex, ZZKM, ​​Tumen, Asko, Feron, Maytoni, Devi. Manufacturers of all brands guarantee the quality of their products, full compliance with the declared characteristics (indicators), as well as compliance with all norms and standards in the production process.

automation, assembly and distribution boxes, goods for electrical installation, lighting, wire, voltage relays, switchboards, sockets and switches, heated floors, fans, doorbells, terminals, counters

Mon - Sun: 10:00 - 19:00

Address: Trade line on Zakhidna Street, 4, No. 48 (Shopping Center "Budmarket")

The company "Sonsedim" was founded in 2014. We have been specializing in the installation of solar power plants for the private sector and industry for 8 years. During this period, more than 600 solar stations and 50 turnkey solar systems were launched throughout the country. Our client base already has more than 1,000 satisfied solar energy consumers.

solar batteries, solar panels, solar power plants, inverters, voltage converters, solar systems, batteries, uninterruptible power supply systems

Пн - Нд: 10:00 - 19:00

Address: Trade line on Zakhidna Street, 4, No. 23 (Shopping Center "Budmarket")

Торгова мережа «Електромайстер». Продаж електротехнічної та кабельно-провідникової продукції, теплої підлоги.

кабельно-провідникова продукція, теплі підлоги, автоматичні вимикачі, стабілізатори напруги, інвертори, лічильники електроенергії, магнітні пускачі, вентилятори, бокси, щитки, коробки монтажні і розподільчі, LED лампи, LED освітлення, декоративне освітлення, прожектори, садово-паркові світильники, вимикачі-розетки, вимірювальні прилади

Mon - Sun: 10:00 - 19:00

Address: Торгівельна лінія по вул. Західній, 5, № 68а (ТЦ Галерея), 1ий поверх

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